Genius Coaching

Genius Coaching

Empowering parents of gifted, head-strong, and sensitive children

Empowering parents of gifted, head-strong, and sensitive children


Need help to bring out the inner genius in your child?


*Evaluation for unique giftedness outside the school system
*Family coaching ALWAYS includes at least one parent to ensure sustainable results of behavior upgrades.
*Family coaching for parents and child in person or online

Step 1: Evaluation of unique brilliance inside and outside the school curriculum – 90 minutes, with an audio summary report.

Step 2: Selected genius coaching program from 8 to 12 weeks based on the evaluation results.


*Customized parent coaching

Step 1: Evaluation of your challenging family situation

Step 2: Coaching program for parents of headstrong and brilliant children.


*Grow Bolder, Not Older – Longevity Coaching


*Decoding and activating unique brilliance eliminates typical behavior challenges like ADHD, OCD, anger outbursts, and boredom.”

Use our three-step process to bring out the best in you and your family:

1) DECODEidentify your strengths and preferences with our Genius Profile 

2) ACTIVATE: our Physical Intelligence methods will transform your hidden brilliance into daily action.

3) THRIVE: overcome your current challenges with joy in your heart and create a better future.


*Eliminating Parental Burnout with POP – The Power of Play

*Available for Pod Casts and Interviews

Why I started the Business

Before my professional success as a High School teacher in Germany and Brazil and later as a Genius Coach, I struggled as a child with exceptional abilities and felt the shame and scrutiny by the educational system for not conforming. This inspired me  to help develop better ways for children to enjoy their unique brilliance and learn with curiosity and passion.

Parents are invited to include themselves in the genius coaching process to ensure sustainable results and enjoy their family interactions even more.

What Parents are saying about me

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About Me

I earned a Master’s Degree in Education from the University of Munich, Germany then taught high school biology and chemistry for 17 years in Munich and Sao Paulo, Brazil. I was constantly seeking new ways to help to support bright and sensitive students who had learning or behavior challenges.

I left teaching in 1994 and earned certifications in Educational Kinesiology, TMI (Technique of Mental Integration) and Behavior Analysis.  Then I started the first “Paedagogische Praxis” (Educational Consulting) in Munich.  While in Phoenix I got certified as a coach with the International Coach Federation ICF and developed leadership programs for several companies. As a Master Certified Coach (MCC) I have been mentoring coaches and leaders in the US, Europe and Australia and in 2017 I became certified as a Longevity Coach serving highly intelligent and sensitive people looking for new purpose in the second half of their life.

Over the years, here is what I have found:  Bright kids LOVE Genius Coaching sessions.

  • We speak their first language: Play.
  • We use “Play” purposefully to earn trust and build confidence
  • We feel their deep concerns about being uniquely different.
  • We encourage them to stay ‘out of the box’ and discover who they really are.
  • We invite them to go beyond their high IQ’s and feel their unique value.
  • We offer them and their parents professional tools to create their own bright future.
  • We encourage them to peel off labels like “ADHD” or “OCD” to discover the brilliant person that is hiding underneath


7335 E. Acoma Drive Scottsdale, AZ 85260


7335 E. Acoma Drive Scottsdale, AZ 85260