How many years have you taught or provided educational products & services? |
0-5 years experience, 6-10 years experience, over 10 years experience
Grade Levels covered by the services you provide? |
K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, Remedial
Subjects your services cover |
English/Language Arts/Grammar/Reading
English/Language Arts/Grammar detailed list |
Common Core, Elementary (K-6), ESL/ESOL, Reading
Methods used in your teaching or with the products & services you provide |
Self-taught, Self-pace, Video, Audio, Hands-on Learning, Kinesthetic Learning
How Far will you drive to provide your services? |
This is an on-line reading program
What type of school experience do you provide? |
Public, Charter, Private, Microschool, Learning Pod, Hybrid
Class or group size that your products or services can accommodate? |
1-2, 3-6, 7-12
Type of Service |
Product and Services
Other Rates |
See our website for pricing, here is the link:
Other aids or assistance that your products & services provide? |
Study Skills, Improve Confidence, Improve Grades, Learning to Excel
Disabillities and neurodivergent needs that your products & services serve? |
ADHD, Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), Dyslexia, Speech and Language Impairment, Specific Learning Disabillities