Where have you taught or what is your background and experience? |
We have a team of over 100 tutors who have various years of experience
How many years have you taught or provided educational products & services? |
0-5 years experience, 6-10 years experience, over 10 years experience
Grade Levels covered by the services you provide? |
K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, Dual Enrollment, Vocational, College and University, Remedial
Subjects your services cover |
Math, Science, English/Language Arts/Grammar/Reading, Test Prep, Computer Science, Business, History, Geography and Social Studies, Languages, Data Science, Social Science
Mathematics detailed list |
ACT Math, Algebra 1, Algebra 2, Calculus, Common Core, Elementary (K-6th), Elementary Math, Accounting, Finite Math, GED, Geometry, GMAT, GRE, Linear Algebra, Prealgebra, Precalculus, Probability, SAT Math, Statistics, Trigonometry
Science detailed list |
ACT Science, Anatomy, Astronomy, Biochemistry, Biology, Botany, Chemistry, Earth Science, Ecology, Elementary Science, Engineering, Environmental Science, Epidemiology, Genetics, Geology, Health, Microbiology, Organic Chemistry, Physical Science, Physics, Praxis, STEM/STEAM, Zoology
English/Language Arts/Grammar detailed list |
ACT English, ACT Reading, Elementary (K-6), ESL/ESOL, Grammar, Handwriting, Typing, Literature, Phonics, Proofreading, Debate and Speech, Reading, Spelling, TOEFL, Vocabulary, Writing
Test Prep detailed list |
Accuplacer, ACT, ASVAB, College Counseling, Common Core, GED, GRE, Praxis, PSAT
Computer Science detailed list |
C, C++, Computer Programming, Computer Science, Java, Python
Business detailed list |
Business, Economics, Finance, Marketing
History, Geography & Social Studies detailed list |
American History, Government, Social Studies, World History
Languages detailed list |
Arabic, ESL/ESOL, French, German, American Sign Language (ASL), Spanish
Social Science detailed list |
Anthropology, Philosophy, Psychology, Sociology
Methods used in your teaching or with the products & services you provide |
Instructor led, Tutoring, In Person, Demonstration, Hands-on Learning, Manipulatives, Kinesthetic Learning
Where do you provide your services? |
Student’s location
How Far will you drive to provide your services? |
We have a team of almost 100 tutors so we can service almost anywhere in the Phoenix area, other than Queen Creek and Buckeye/Goodyear
Class or group size that your products or services can accommodate? |
1-2, 3-6
Type of Service |
Hourly Rate |
Other Rates |
80 Test Preparation
If typically expected by parents for the services you provide, you can enter your level of education or the educational ranges of your team of service |
Associates, Bachelors, Masters
Other aids or assistance that your products & services provide? |
Study Skills, Improve Confidence, Improve Grades, Homework Help, Post High School Transition, Educational Consulting, Test Prep
Disabillities and neurodivergent needs that your products & services serve? |
ADHD, Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), Dyslexia, Hearing Impaired, Social Skills, Intellectual Disabilities, Assessments, Executive Functioning, Specific Learning Disabillities, Dyscalculia, Dysgraphia, Sensory Processing Disorder, Physical Impairment, Emotional Disability, Orthopedic Impairment, Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI), Developmental Delay