Where have you taught or what is your background and experience? |
I have taught at several West Valley high schools, most recently at Tonopah Valley High School.
How many years have you taught or provided educational products & services? |
0-5 years experience, 6-10 years experience, over 10 years experience
Grade Levels covered by the services you provide? |
6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
Subjects your services cover |
Math, Science, English/Language Arts/Grammar/Reading, Test Prep, History, Geography and Social Studies, Vocational, Languages, Social Science
English/Language Arts/Grammar detailed list |
ACT English, ACT Reading, Bible Studies, ESL/ESOL, Grammar, Handwriting, Typing, Linguistics, Literature, Phonics, Proofreading, Debate and Speech, Reading, Spelling, Vocabulary, Writing
Test Prep detailed list |
ACT, ASVAB, College Counseling, Common Core, PSAT
History, Geography & Social Studies detailed list |
American History, Classics, European History, Geography, Government, Political Science, Religion, Social Studies
Vocational Tech detailed list |
Graphic Design, Video Production, Web Design
Languages detailed list |
ESL/ESOL, American Sign Language (ASL)
Social Science detailed list |
Anthropology, Psychology, Sociology
Methods used in your teaching or with the products & services you provide |
Instructor led, Self-taught, Self-pace, Video, Audio, Tutoring, In Person, Demonstration, Hands-on Learning, Manipulatives, Kinesthetic Learning
Where do you provide your services? |
Student’s location
How Far will you drive to provide your services? |
25 miles
What type of school experience do you provide? |
Private, Microschool, Learning Pod, Hybrid
Class or group size that your products or services can accommodate? |
1-2, 3-6, 7-12
Type of Service |
Product and Services
If typically expected by parents for the services you provide, you can enter your level of education or the educational ranges of your team of service |
Undergraduate School and Degree |
Grand Canyon University- B.A. in Secondary Education with an Emphasis in English
Other aids or assistance that your products & services provide? |
Religious, Character Building, Study Skills, Improve Confidence, Improve Grades, Homework Help, Learning to Excel, Post High School Transition, Social Activities, Educational Consulting, Test Prep, Enrichments
Disabillities and neurodivergent needs that your products & services serve? |
ADHD, Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), Dyslexia, Anxiety and Depression