

  • Email Validation
  • Password protected account
  • Dashboard & Saved Searches
  • Build Connection Points
  • Search vendor database for educational services
  • Rate & review products & services
  • Start and participate in forum discussions
  • Free Community Swap
  • Find and add Resources
  • Post News & Events
  • Build Your Business
  • basic career assessment
  • budget & planning tool

Full Business

20% off - Annual Plan for $239.52 or $19.96/mo (Save $60)
10% off - 6 mo Plan for $134.73 or $22.45/mo (Save $30)
  • Includes All Parent Membership Options PLUS
  • Participate in parent search database with profile
  • Optional Credentials upload
  • Post Blogs
  • Advertise to parents
  • ESA Quick Start
  • Discover other teaching options

  • ESAConnection website
  • with link to main website
  • with link to registration document

  • Build Your Business
  • social media basics
  • get your business name and online domain
  • get your LLC and tax ID
  • logo and branding basics
  • reach parents with your profile & website
  • health and liability insurance
  • private Teacher's Lounge/Vendor Forum

View Only

  • Newsletter (with email address)
  • View Community Forums, Blogs, News & Events
  • Global content searches


  • Includes All View Only Access Options PLUS
  • Email Validation
  • Password protected account
  • Dashboard & Saved Searches
  • Build Connection Points
  • Search vendor database for educational services
  • Rate & review products & services
  • Start and participate in forum discussions
  • Free Community Swap
  • Find and add Resources
  • Post News & Events
  • Build Your Business
  • basic career assessment
  • budget & planning tool

Full Business

20% off - Annual Plan for $239.52 or $19.95/mo (Save $60)
10$ off - 6 mo Plan for $134.73 or $22.45/mo (Save $30)
  • Includes All View Only Access Options PLUS
  • Includes All Parent Membership Options PLUS
  • Participate in parent search database with profile
  • Optional Credentials upload
  • Post Blogs
  • Advertise to parents
  • ESA Quick Start
  • Discover other teaching options

  • ESAConnection website
  • with link to main website
  • with link to registration document

  • Build Your Business
  • social media basics
  • get your business name and online domain
  • get your LLC and tax ID
  • logo and branding basics
  • reach parents with your profile & website
  • health and liability insurance
  • private Teacher's Lounge/Vendor Forum

Note: Memberships can be changed to and from the Full Business Membership and Parent Free Membership without losing any data.