Looking for interns? Start a relationship with Pathways Early College Academy.
If your business could use the help of high school level learners reach out to Randall at Pathways Early College Academy. Rather than learning through lectures and essay writing, their students actively engage in hands-on experiences, such as internships and project-based assignments. They provide “Pathways” for students to complete high school and college credits by working with their network of businesses partners and Pathways College… and ESA funds cover most if not all of the tuition!
- The BA Pathway – high school students can earn a high school diploma and Bachelor’s degree in 4-5 years compared to the average 9.5+ year journey of students in traditional pathways
- The AA Pathway – high school students can earn a high school diploma and Associate’s degree in 4-5 years compared to the average 9.5+ year journey of students in traditional pathways. Finish your Associate’s degree with us or transfer your earned credits to the school of your choice.
Learn more by visiting their website.
This discussion was modified 1 year, 7 months ago by
Chris Holmberg.
Pathways Early College Academy | Virtual High School
The Academy offers a unique high school program that allows students to graduate high school with up to a BA degree. Students at Pathways Early College Academy have a head start in their academic careers and in life by saving … Continue reading
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