Where have you taught or what is your background and experience? |
I have worked for America's space agency since 1988. I have a degree in aeronautical engineering from Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University (Prescott, '92) and a Master of Business Administration with emphasis in I.T. (U. of La Verne, '08). I have a passion for STEM education. I have developed a curriculum for Python/Python-related programming courses and for SketchUp. Python is the most popular programming language on the planet (https://www.tiobe.com/tiobe-index/) and is a tool that every engineer and scientist needs to have in their toolbelt. I have been a robotics mentor since 2008. I have been a Bible teacher to adults for 30 years. For my bio and course offerings, please visit https://sophoraservices.com/course-catalog/.
How many years have you taught or provided educational products & services? |
0-5 years experience, over 10 years experience
Grade Levels covered by the services you provide? |
7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, Dual Enrollment
Subjects your services cover |
Computer Science, Design and Animation
Computer Science detailed list |
Computer Programming, Python
Design & Animation detailed list |
Methods used in your teaching or with the products & services you provide |
Instructor led, In Person
Where do you provide your services? |
Vendor's location
Class or group size that your products or services can accommodate? |
1-2, 3-6, 7-12
Type of Service |
Hourly Rate |
Other Rates |
If typically expected by parents for the services you provide, you can enter your level of education or the educational ranges of your team of service |
Bachelors, Masters
Undergraduate School and Degree |
Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University – BS Aeronautical Engineering
Graduate School and Degree |
University of LaVerne – Master of Business Administration, Concentration in Information Technology
Other aids or assistance that your products & services provide? |
Tutoring, Enrichment Activities