Where have you taught or what is your background and experience? |
Olive Branch Counseling Services is a group practice with multiple clinicians who have backgrounds working with children, teens and young adults in areas of play therapy, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Sand Tray and trauma-informed care
How many years have you taught or provided educational products & services? |
0-5 years experience, 6-10 years experience, over 10 years experience
Grade Levels covered by the services you provide? |
Pre-K, K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, Dual Enrollment, Vocational, College and University, Remedial
Methods used in your teaching or with the products & services you provide |
In Person
Where do you provide your services? |
Vendor's location
How Far will you drive to provide your services? |
Class or group size that your products or services can accommodate? |
Type of Service |
Hourly Rate |
If typically expected by parents for the services you provide, you can enter your level of education or the educational ranges of your team of service |
Undergraduate School and Degree |
Arizona State University
Graduate School and Degree |
University of Phoenix Tucson Campus
Other aids or assistance that your products & services provide? |
Disabillities and neurodivergent needs that your products & services serve? |
ADHD, Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), Social Skills, Anxiety and Depression, Behavioral, Executive Functioning, Sensory Processing Disorder, Emotional Disability